Video Ideas

We had done a few intensive brainstorming sessions within our planning stage. In doing so all members of our group were indeed coming up with very good ideas, however sometimes it was hard to visualise or express what each other was saying. We therefore used examples from previous music videos or even films of shots and settings which we thought would be good in creating our narrative within our music video. Avenger's assemble is obviously not a music video, however our idea of a man pumping himself up and exercising his anger on a punch bag was easily visually shown through this clip. This then helped to show my group what was intended and how it should look. We also took note of some of the shots which are actually used int he filming of this scene including, low angled shots and close ups of the fists and the person's face.

As our main narrative was focussed on bullying we thought that the use of flashbacks would be very useful to show the victims story of how he started getting bullied and now how he in a way uses rap and song to express himself. This music video "Flashback" was a great example which we used to see how flashbacks were used in a music video because we had only really ever seen them within films and not music videos. We once again took note of how each shot transitioned from flashback to present and vice versa. This was extremely helpful and gave us plenty of ideas on how and what to do.

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