Director Research

Michael Bay

Michael Bay is a very well-known director. He is mainly known for his movies that he has directed such as Transformers and both Bad Boys films. Michael Bay started his directors career off by directing music videos with one of his notorious video's being Meatloaf's "I'd do anything for love" which was over 7 minutes long. This is very similar to Michael Jackson's style of music videos which have a long narrative to the video and is almost like a short film.

Michael Bay also directed television adverts such as coca-cola. His adverts eventually won him an award which gave him the status he needed to move up to directing bigger and better things. This allowed him to have bigger budgets for music videos which nowadays he is known for blowing large amounts of money on his movies such as the Transformers series where he had a budget of $200 million for one of the films. Especially towards the last of his music videos, he used  large budgets in creating his music videos. Although I am unsure how much his budget was, it is claimed that he had a budget which was more suited to a short film rather than a music video really empathising the fact that he prefers to direct narratives rather than performance based videos. 

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