Target Audience Questionnaire Evaluation

10 people answered my questionnaire to help me to establish my target market. To not be bias I of course didn't just ask my peers who are my age 17/18 and got slightly older people to answer it. To begin I asked for age and gender of the participators to establish a profile of my target audience and I then went on to use the other questions to associate music and genre knowledge with these age and gender characteristics.
Looking at one of my most important questions of how often people listen to music, it is clear that most people listen to music almost everyday. In addition to this, the few results that showed they occasionally or rarely listened to music were in fact the slightly older people in the age range of 50 and 58 said this, with the youths of 17 and 18 years old claiming that they listen to music everyday. I could also back this up as I am within that age group and I know many people my age around me constantly listen to music and use it in many different ways. 
The words that people associated with rap were things like impressive, gangsters, fast, enthusiastic and morals. These show what we need to include within our song and what conventions we need to stick too in order to produce a good song which will be popular. 

I believe that I've evaluated this questionnaire and analysed the results well because the questions which I asked were well articulated and were worded to get the best results that I could and to really establish who my target market is. From these results I can clearly see that we must target this song at the teenage market from age 16-20 and the gender of male because they like rap and know rap quite well. Also, they listen to music every day so I would get a lot more attention and sales if we targeted this audience. Many rappers are also male so males can therefore connect well with the rappers.

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