Other Student's Work

Before we begin to create our music video, we have decided to look at a peers music video to see things that they have included so that we could see what works and what doesn't work within student's videos. This video is mainly a narrative based one, however this some slight performance based bits within the video with the lead singer often having a close up of him playing the guitar
which he obviously was playing the music through. I liked this video a lot because it has a mixture of both.A range of shots were used to create their video which suggests to me that this is important to make it interesting and capture the audiences attention. During the performance based points of the video, it is shot through the use of black and white which shows a use of skills and is quite interesting which complements the genre.

The shot of the NHS logo on the paper burning from the centre outwards I believe is a very good shot as it shows a good use of props and skills to be able to this. However, one criticism that I wold give this shot is that they clearly used stones to hold down the piece of paper to stop it blowing away. This is fair enough at the time i understand but I personally feel unfortunately that this slightly ruins the shot and makes it look a little bit fake.

Separate from the final music video which I liked a lot, the blog was also very good. It was well laid out and was clear to find and access all of the content which i wanted to see and analyse. This post here shows a self-evaluation of their music video and also how it compares to last year's AS work. I personally could see a lot of improvements including camera angles, lighting and all around general media knowledge.

This person had also taken the time and effort to carefully organise each bit of their blog posts into categories so it is very easy for the examiner to find and access. They have also made blog posts on things I would never of thought to of done, so it is interesting for me personally as now I know of blog posts to add as we begin to film and create our music video. The colour scheme used on the blog is also a clear and concise one which suits a professional piece of work, this is something I need to look at improving on my blog to make it seem a much higher standard piece of work which I am proud of. The gold complements the red very well and clearly stands out and can be read very easily.

From looking at this person's blog is has enlightened quite a lot to me personally. I now feel that I know about more skills and things that could be included within my blog to increase the standard of it. Also, it has made me think more about things in preparation for filming which I would not have thought about before looking at this person's blog.

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